At the event titled "Why Words Matter," organized by the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID), European Parliament Vice President Antonella Sberna delivered a thought-provoking speech...
Fethullah Gülen, a prominent Turkish cleric and advocate for interfaith dialogue and education, passed away on October 21, 2024, in a Pennsylvania hospital at...
By United Religions International Europe
The "Seeding the Peace" URIE Interfaith youth camp, held in The Hague, Netherlands, brought together 20 young participants and six...
By Martin Hoegger.
To understand the place of interreligious dialogue in the Focolare Movement, born during the Second World War, we must return...
By Martin Hoegger.
Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Bahais gathered in the heights of Rome, for a week of intense dialogue in the...