Santiago Cañamares Arribas
Santiago Cañamares Arribas is Professor of Law and Religion, Complutense University (Spain).
He is Secretary of the Editorial Board of the Revista General de Derecho Canónico y Eclesiástico del Estado, the first online periodical in his speciality, and a member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Derecho y Religión".
He is a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation.
He is the author of numerous scientific publications, including four monographs on current issues in his speciality:
Igualdad religiosa en las relaciones laborales, Ed. Aranzadi (2018).
El matrimonio homosexual en Derecho español y comparado, Ed. Iustel (2007).
Libertad religiosa, simbología y laicidad del Estado, Ed. Aranzadi (2005)
El matrimonio canónico en la jurisprudencia civil, Ed. Aranzadi (2002).
He has also published numerous articles in prestigious legal journals, both in Spain and abroad. Among the latter, it is worth mentioning: Ecclesiastical Law Journal, University of Cambridge, Religion & Human Right. An International Journal, Journal of Church & State, Sri Lanka Journal of International Law, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion and Annuaire Droit et Religion, among others.
He has carried out research stays at foreign universities, including the Catholic University of America in Washington (USA) and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. He received a grant from the Banco Santander Young Researchers Programme to carry out a research stay at the Universities of Montevideo and the Republic of Uruguay (2014).
He has participated in research projects funded by the European Commission, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Community of Madrid and the Complutense University.
He is a member of several international associations in the field of his speciality such as the Latin American Consortium for Religious Freedom, the Spanish Association of Canonists and ICLARS (International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies).