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Many Israelis Can Get German Citizenship But Don’t Know It

In June 2021, a new by-law on German citizenship came into force

New citizenship rules have been in effect in Germany for a year now, but many Israelis still do not know that they can apply for this passport. The by-law in question restores historical justice and allows persons whose relatives were victims of Nazi persecution to become holders of a German passport. Information about this can be found on the Israeli legal website Psakdin.

Meanwhile in the world

As Attorney Tal Ophir ( explains, “Germany’s new laws make citizenship simple and easy for anyone who can prove their ancestors were German citizens between 1933-1945. “.

“As part of correcting a historical injustice, Israelis who are related to Nazi-era German citizens will not need to be in the country, take difficult language exams, undergo official interviews and submit documents on their economic situation to the authorities. There are no specific requirements other than proof of blood relationship with the former a German citizen and a legal connection between the applicant and the person in connection with which there is a justification for the request,” says Tal Ophir’s article on the legal website.

According to him, the granting of German citizenship is no longer conditional on the renunciation of existing citizenship – the new amendment also allows you to have an Israeli or other passport.

► German nationality law and new regulations

Despite many reservations that in the past made it impossible for the descendants of female Holocaust survivors to obtain citizenship, the reform expanded the provisions of sub-article 116 of the German constitution. This subarticle redefines descendants in accordance with the German constitution (Grundgesetz). It allows citizenship to be conferred on the maternal side (and in the case of illegitimate birth, also on the paternal side). This significantly expands the circle of those entitled to citizenship.

In the past, the descendants of Holocaust survivors or women whose citizenship was revoked in 1941 could only acquire citizenship if they were born before 1953. This rule led to discrimination against almost half of the people associated with Nazi Germany. The entry into force of the new version of the law makes it possible for these people to apply as well.

► Who is eligible for German citizenship?

Under the new rules, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and sometimes even great-great-grandchildren of holders of German citizenship can acquire citizenship.

The German nationality law is based on blood law. That is, applicants do not have to live in Germany or stay there for a certain period of time to obtain citizenship. In the process of obtaining it, there is no need to come to Germany.

► Issuing a German passport to children

With regard to minor descendants, the rule applies: if one of the parents already has German citizenship, there is no need to go through all the procedures. Granting citizenship to minors will become a consular procedure with registration at the embassy. You need to contact the German embassy, ​​order a queue and come with a birth certificate (teudat lida) and proof of the parent’s citizenship (citizenship certificate and / or passport). The birth of a child is registered in the population register of Germany and the child automatically receives citizenship.

For adult descendants of German citizens, the procedure for proving kinship with a German citizen will be simplified, since the latter is already recognized as a German citizen. However, the applicant will have to go through the same procedures within the same time frame.

► Citizenship process

The process of granting foreign citizenship requires careful work, adherence to a schedule and many rules related to the law. It also requires the professional quality of drafting the appeal. To do this, you need to contact an experienced specialist who is familiar with German laws and speaks German – this will increase the chances of a positive decision. So advises the lawyer Tal Ofir.

► How long does it take to get a passport?

On average, the process is 1-2 years from the start of official procedures. There are individual cases that require genealogical analysis and search for lost documents of the owner of the original citizenship. Sometimes delays are related to the work of the German commissions responsible for approving requests. In such cases, the process takes longer, but not more than 3 years.

► Required documents

As with any procedure for obtaining citizenship, it is required to prove your connection with the German state. This proof consists in providing the documents of his relative, who was a German citizen in 1933-1945.

These documents include a birth certificate, a diploma from a recognized academic institution, marriage/divorce certificates, or other document showing ties to Germany.

At the same time, in the 30s, 300,000 Jews were forced to leave Germany, and they could not always take documents with them.

In such cases, it is necessary to search for documents in Germany. Genealogy department of the law firm Decker, Pex, Ofir & Co. does this all the time and has already helped many clients to find documents and obtain European citizenship. This is a paid service.

► Advantages of German citizenship

Since the German economy is one of the most powerful in Europe, citizens of the country can receive many benefits. This applies both to those who settle in the country and to those who live abroad during the entire period of possession of the passport. The conditions for holders of a German passport include:

• Opportunity to live and work in EU countries without restrictions – in France, the Netherlands, Italy, Hungary, etc.

• Improved benefits package at work: pension contributions, annual leave, sick leave, health insurance and special social security conditions.

• Visa-free entry to the US and Australia – countries where Israelis must obtain a visa when traveling, as well as the possibility of visiting countries where Israelis are not allowed to enter – Qatar, Malaysia, Venezuela, etc.

• Education in selected universities free of charge or with a scholarship. Obtaining diplomas from reputable universities all over the world and in the EU countries.

• Subsidized modern medical services – available in all EU countries and Scandinavia at prices for local residents.

• Starting a business and buying real estate – setting up a business in the EU countries and receiving substantial tax benefits.

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