Saturday, March 1, 2025

Top 5 This Week

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In Skopje terrified – their prime minister’s wife is of Bulgarian origin!!!

“Bulgarian newspaper revealed that Prime Minister Kovachevski’s wife is hiding a secret from the Macedonian public” – with this headline on its front page “Macedonian Herald” conveys the news about the Bulgarian origin of Elena Kovacheva, which “Trud” reported in today’s issue.

It is widely covered by the news sites in our western neighbor, which reprint the information of “Trud”.

“The Bulgarian daily publishes a document claiming that Elena Kovachevska, the wife of current Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, is Bulgarian and has asked for documents to prove her” Bulgarian origin, “the paper said.

“Elena Kovachevska’s father and grandfather – Mitko Stanojkovski and Stanojko Stanojkovski are Bulgarians born in Bosilegrad municipality, today in Serbia. Bosilegrad region has been under Serbian rule since 1919. The whole region in Bulgaria is known as the Western Suburbs and tens of thousands of Bulgarians from this region. moved to Macedonia during the Yugoslav period.

The Bulgarian daily Trud points out that even the fact that Prime Minister Kovachevski hides his wife’s Bulgarian origin and citizenship is the biggest proof that Bulgarians in Macedonia are discriminated against and afraid to express their ethnicity publicly, “Makedonski Vesnik said. “.

The media reminds that during the local elections in the country the ruling SDSM attacked the mayor Daniela Arsovska (VMRO-DPMNE) because of her alleged Bulgarian citizenship. That is why the question arises why Kovachevski did not inform the public about his wife’s ethnicity, Makedonski Vesnik commented.

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